Requirements for Manuscript Submission Process

The author(s) should send hard copies of the manuscript in triplicate along with a softcopy in CD form. The author can also send a soft copy of the manuscript in MS Word format as an e-mail attachment addressed to the Editor- in-Chief - As soon as the journal office receives the submitted manuscript, it will be reviewed and a submission code will be allocated and all the future contacts should be based on this code. Authors who can submit only hard copies should contact the Editor-in-Chief. Manuscripts not submitted in legible format are liable to be returned for rewriting even if they may be publishable on the basis of the matter content. However, the final choice will remain with the Editorial Board.

Research Probes or Main Articles – 9,000 words. Commentary Reports or Short Articles – 4,500 words. Methodological Debates or Notes – 2,400 words

Blind Review Process

The author’s name should not appear anywhere on the body of the manuscript to facilitate the blind review process. Every paper for JIACHT will have Double Blind referees review. The review process usually takes about a minimum period of three months. The Editor-in-Chief of the JIACHT reserves the right of making editorial amendments in the final draft of the manuscript to suit the journal’s requirements.

Declaration Letter

The article should be accompanied with a letter indicating that this article is an original work, has not been published before and is not being considered for publication elsewhere in its final form wither in printed or electronic form. Also, define that the article will not be resubmitted to another journal until the reviewing process will be completed. Please specify whether the author has published or submitted any related papers from the study.

Personal Information

A brief biographical sketch (60-90 words) of the author(s) describing the current designation and affiliation, contact details, specialization, number of books and articles published and membership on editorial boards and companies should be enclosed.

Ethical Consideration

The Editorial Office reserves the right to edit the submitted manuscripts in order to comply with the journal’s style. In any case, the author(s) are responsible for the published material.


Individual and multiple authors are welcome to contribute their articles. An Author is generally considered to be someone who meets the

following conditions. 1) Substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data or analysis and interpretation of the data, 2) Drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content and 3) Final approval of the version to be published.


The authors are not allowed to utilize verbatim text of previously published papers or manuscripts submitted elsewhere.

Language and Style

Contributors are urged to aim for clarity of expression with a minimum of jargons in British English language. The text must be clear and concise conforming to accepted standards of English style and usage. All materials should be typed in double line spacing numbered pages. Abbreviations should be standard and used just in necessary cases after complete explanations in the first usage.

Title Page

Title page of the article should include – 1) Title of the article, 2) Author or authors’ name, 3)Name of the institution where the work was done, 4) Complete Title (Short form of the main title presented on the top of all the pages), 5) Complete mailing address, telephone fax numbers and email address of the author. The title page remains unnumbered.


All papers should have a short abstract which provides information regarding the objectives o the study in 250 words. Abbreviations should not preferably be mentioned in the abstract.


Any help, general, financial, technical and even material support that need acknowledging but do not justify authorship can be cited at the end of the text.


According to the order of citation in the text, references should be compiled numerically. The numbers of references should not exceed 50 for original articles and 15 for commentaries. Listed below are sample references. Each reference is given first in I) author-date style an in-text citation (T), followed by a reference-list entry (R).


One Author

T: (Prabhu Kumari 2009, 39)

R: Prabhu Kumari, Vanama. 2009. Amazing Folk Arts and Artifacts (A Cultural Odyssey into Scenic South India). Chennai: Prabhu Publishers

Two Authors

T: (Bharadwaj and Chaudhary 1997, 60-3)

R: Bharadwaj, D.S., and Manjula Chaudhary. 1997. Contemporary Issues in Tourism, Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing House.

Four or More Authors

T: (Michael Hall et al. 2006, 120)

R: Michael Hall C., Sharples Liz, Richard Mitchell. Macionis Niki and Cambourne Brock, 2003. Food Tourism Around the World Development, Management and Markets, New Delhi: Butterworth- Heinemann

Editor, Compiler or Translator

T: (Shastri 2004, 10-11)

R: Shastri, Satyananda M.A, trans. 2004. Aryabhivanaya. Delhi: Govindaram Hasanand

Editor, Compiler or Translator in addition to Author

T: (Raj 2002, 39)

R: Raj, Sheela D. 2002. The Legacy of the Nizams. Ed. Satyanaraian Singh. New Delhi: Vani Prakashan.

Chapter or other part of a Book

T: (Kumari 2000, 110-1)

R: Kumari, Prabhu V. 1998. “Antiquity of the Vedic River Sarasvati”. In Revisiting Indus-Sarasvati Age and Ancient India, ed. Sharma Bhu Dev. and Ghose Nabarun, 117-129. USA: Urvashi Press.

Preface, Foreword, Introduction or similar part of a Book

T: (Sarada 1985, vii)

R: Sarada S. 1985. Kalakshetra – Rukmini Devi, by S. Viswanathan, vii.

Madras: Kala Mandir Trust.

Book Published Electronically

If a book is available in more than one format, you should cite the version you consulted, but you may also list the other formats, as in the second example given below.

T: (Tomory 1989, 36)

R: Tomory Edith. 1989. History of Fine Arts in India and the West, New Delhi: Orient Longman. http://www. Flipkart. com/performing arts- india-sharon-lowen/.

Article in a Printed Journal

T: (Ranganatham 1984, 45)

R: Ranganatham, Edwina. 1984. Kuchipudi A Dance Drama of Andhra Pradesh. Journal of the Sangeet Natak Akademi 393: 44-45

Article in an Online Journal

T: (King Neal. 2008)

R: King Neal. 2008. Secret Agency in Mainstream Postmodern Cinema abstract. Postmodern Culture 18, no. 3 (May).

http://pmc.iath. (accessed October 24, 2009).

Popular Magazine Article

T: (Ahmed 2005, 27)

R: Ahmed, Monisha. 2005. Textile Arts of Ladakh: Nomadic Weavers to Silk-Brocades, Marg A Magazine of the Arts, September.

Newspaper Article

T: (Muthalaly 2002)

R: Muthalaly, Shonali. 2009. Dine with a Dinosaur. The Hindu, October 17, Metroplus, Chennai edition.

Book Review

T: (Long 2007, 16)

R: Long, Philip and Palmer Nicola J. 2007. Royal Tourism, Excursions Around Monarchy. by Can C Henderson. Tourism Recreation Research Book Review, April 2009.

Thesis or Dissertation

T: (Deepti 1997, 12-15, 75)

R: Deepti Prameela, Pratap. 1997. A Historical Survey of the India Tourism Development Corporation, M.Phil diss., Madras Christian College.

Paper presented at a Meeting or Conference

T: (Prabhu Kumari 2004)

R: Prabhu Kumari, Vanama 2004. Samaveda (From the Spiritual Vedic Art to the Modern Therapeutic Science) 18. Paper presented at the International Conference for the Vishwa Veda Vijnana Satram and World Congress on Vedic Sciences August 13, in Bangalore, India

E-mail Message

E-mail messages may be cited in running text (“In an e-mail message to the author on October 1, 2009, David Frawley revealed . . .”) instead of in a note or an in-text citation, and they are rarely listed in a bibliography or reference list. The following example shows the more formal version of a note.

N: 2. David Frawley, e-mail message to author, September 1, 2009.

Item in Online Database

Journal articles published in online databases should be cited as shown below, under “Article in an online journal”. If an access date is required by your publisher or discipline, include it parenthetically at the end of the citation, as in the first example below.

T: (Charles Mills Gayley, Digital Library of India) R: Digital Library of India.

Personal Interviews

Citations for Personal Interviews should include the name of the person interviewed, name of the interviewer, place of interview and lastly the date of interview.

T: (Balamurali Krishna, 1993)

R: Balamurali Krishna. Mangalampalli Musician, Interview by Authoress.

Prabhu Kumari Vanama. Madras: January 26. 1993


Correspondence and proofs for correction will be sent to the first author unless otherwise indicated.

Change of Address

Three weeks in advance notice must be given when notifying about the change of address. Please send the old address label to ensure proper identification.


Claims for undelivered copies may be made not later than three months, following the month of publication. The publisher will supply missing copies when losses have been sustained in transit and when reserve copies permit.


Articles published in JIACHT should not be reproduced or reprinted in any form, either in full or in part, without the prior written permission from the Editor-in-Chief.

Copyright Infringement Claims

Any claims of copyright infringement should be addressed to the Editor bearing the subject line Copyright Infrongement. The claim must be sufficed by documented evidence supporting the same version as being published or copyrighted or patented by the aggrieved party before the date of publication of the concerned JIACHT article. The JIACHT Editorial Board reserves the sole right to decide the validity of any such claims. If the claim is found justified, the authors will be intimated to do the required amendments. The alternative version shall undergo blind peer-review at any other geneal submission and shall be published.

Accepted Papers and Off-Prints

The Editor-in-Chief will inform the author(s) regarding the acceptance of the paper for publication in JIACHT. A copy of the JIACHT Journal and 6 off- prints of the paper will be sent to the author at free of charge and these off- prints should be shared between the joint authors. Further off-prints may be purchased from the publisher if ordered at proof stage.


The Journal cannot be held responsible for errors or any consequences arising from the information printed in this journal. Views and opinions expressed in the articles, commentaries and debates do not necessarily reflect those o the publisher and the editors. All efforts are made to ensure that published

information is correct. The publisher and the editors are not responsible for any errors caused due to oversight or otherwise.


All the correspondence between the contributors and the Journal office is preferred via email –