Dr. Chidanand B. Kamati

Assistant Professor Department of History

KLE Society’s G.I. Bagewadi College, Nipani, Karnataka

Key Concepts: Internalisation, Migration, Multi-culturalism,

Standardisation, UNCHR

New Economic Order

The 21st century Nations-States of the world is no longer independent or semi-indepen dent in identity. Among 186 nation states, all of them are heavily interdependent on each other for more civilised way of life. Globalisation of economies’ has further brought them Innately closer to each other. The sprouting New Economic Order has promoted various professions’ to suit the ever changing world order. The multi-talented professionalisation of opportunities has diluted national identities, paving way for migration of skillful human resource to economically much-more comfortable, developed blocs of the contemporary world, causing greater damage to the countries, where the human resource was cleverly fostered. On the other hand, the migrant human resource has produced multi-culturalism, primarily due to the very amalgamation of alien cultures’ integrating the indigenous culture. Thus, globalisation of the nation-states, diaspora identity and multi-culturalism are cyclical in their very occurrence. This indispensable development has thrown-up quite a few issues before the nation states;

  • Retention of carefully fostered human resource and make them functional well within the natural frontiers’ ;

  • Promotion of adequate nationalist sensibility among the citizens’ through cautiously designed public and private programmes of national interest;

  • Systematisation of diaspora identity or communitarian oneness among the people of the Nation-State so as to integrate and solidify the nationalist spirit and sense, and keep the unity and honour of the Nation-State undamaged;

  • Internalisation of the pragmatic value of a multi-cultural state in concern to native people and reciprocal contribution to the cultural sumptuousness of the globalised community of the world;

  • Application of multicultural-utilitarian means and modes of life, adhere to the maxim ‘Think Globally and Act Locally’ in order to equip, elevate, emancipate, encompass the enviable standards that upgrade quality of life;

  • Evolution of a contemporary mechanism to conserve natural resources and sustain long term utility potential of the indigenous natural resources; and assist the cause of prosperous Diaspora Identity at the global pedestal;

  • Standardisation of already existing Quality checks’ to enhance coordination between infrastructure and infra matter of the nation state, and relentless efforts to heighten efficiency and aptitude in their functional aspect; continual evaluation and implement relevant strategies, provide afresh infrastructure and infra matter to move along the path of sustainable and flourishing growth as per global standards.

The ultimate aim of all measures is to ensure a multi-cultural, global identity to the Nation-State in ever changing global scenario. Undoubtedly, a formidable task to manoeuvre, requires post-modern commitment.


Different cultures’ and economic systems’ around the world are connected due to a common understanding reached at Murrakesh, Morocco during 1990’s simply to re-moralise, open-up and restructure economies of the agreeable nation states. The primary object of the agreement is to promote global trade, industry and finance through involvement of the developed, developing and under-developed blocs of world. The MNCs’ and MNBs’ along with the developed bloc of the world played vital role to reach-out an acclaimed General Agreement on Trade and Tariff.

Diaspora Identity

The movement of a people from any nation or group away from their native state is known as Diaspora. Such migrants establish their identity through various organisational efforts’ and intellectual calibre in those parts of the globe, where they in point of fact, migrate to. Jews or Hebrew community have migrated to North America from West Asia during 19th and first half of the 20th Centuries due to persecution, and also due to better search for plump opportunities, have afterwards proven their identity as apt stock marketers’ and also men of eminent administration. The Diaspora Identity of the Jews is well-expressed in Theodre Drieser’s ‘A Jewish In-gathering’. Such diaspora is evident in the North